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  • Public consultation on the future of National Parks in Scotland





    June 2022

    The Scottish Government launched an online consultation to seek views on what people wanted Scotland’s National Parks to deliver for the environment, culture and local communities.

    A summary of the ideas and comments generated from this exercise can be read here: National parks - challenge exercise: summary analysis.

  • NatureScot initial advice to Scottish Government

    May 2022




    January 2023

    Building on the government's online consultation, NatureScot was asked to provide advice to Scottish Government on the role and approach of National Parks, and how nominations for new National Parks could be evaluated. In developing this advice NatureScot undertook a mixture of online and in-person public consultation and engagement activities.

    A full report of the advice provided to Scottish Government, including details on the public consultation can be read here: National Parks Advice to Ministers.

  • Development of the selection process for a new National Park

    February 2023




    September 2024

    The Scottish Government published a draft appraisal framework, with selection criteria for new National Parks, for public consultation. The purpose of this was to obtain views, comments and feedback from individuals, organisations, public sector bodies, those in the built environment and land management sectors and from the energy sector.

    A summary of the feedback received, as well as the full consultation analysis, can be accessed here: New National Parks - appraisal framework consultation.

  • Nominations, and assessment of proposals for new National Park

    October 2023




    July 2024

    Following a call for 'expressions of interest' in May 2023, communities and organisations wishing to put their area forward to be considered for designation as Scotland’s next National Park were invited to develop and submit a formal ‘nomination’ to the Scottish Government.

    The nominations were then appraised by a panel, against specific criteria set out in the published appraisal framework which had previously been consulted on. The final report detailing the appraisal process can be read here: Scotland's New National Park Appraisal Panel: final report.

    Following this appraisal, the Scottish Government made a statutory proposal for a New National Park to be established in Galloway. They asked NatureScot to be the Reporter, to investigate the detail of the proposal and report public opinion. The full proposal can be read here: National Park in Galloway: proposal by Scottish Ministers.

  • NatureScot investigation as Reporter – Phase 1 – Conversation

    September 2024 - October 2024




    In Progress

    NatureScot has published a Reporter Plan detailing what is involved in its role as reporter. This plan can be read here: A National Park proposal for Galloway - Reporter Plan.

    The reporting process has three main phases. The first is the Conversation phase and its purpose is to raise awareness of the proposal, listen to opinions, and work with the local community and organisations to design an effective consultation strategy and to draft proposals for November 2024.

  • NatureScot Investigation as Report – Phase 2 – 12 Week Consultation

    November 2024




    Janaury 2025

    The second phase is the Consultation. The purpose of this is to gauge opinion on detailed proposals and the support or opposition to the proposal through a formal 12 week consultation.
  • NatureScot as Reporter - Develop Options and Advice for Government

    January 2025




    April 2025

    Following the conversation and consultation phases, the third and final phase of the reporting process is for NatureScot to analyse the responses received and advise Ministers, taking account of the views expressed.
  • Development of Designation Order

    Spring 2025




    Spring 2026

    The Scottish Government will decide whether to progress to this stage following NatureScot's advice in April 2025. The Scottish Government would then undertake further public consultation, before an Order would come into effect to designate a new National Park.