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Welcome to your Community Information Platform

Welcome to your new community information platform for the new national park proposal for Galloway. Take the time to discover what is being proposed, explore key facts and information, then share your thoughts via the interactive map, surveys and meetings.

We're looking forward to working alongside you to develop our advice. This website aims to offer information on everything you might wish to explore about the proposed national park for Galloway, and the phases of public consultation taking place. You’ll find a timeline of what to expect from NatureScot as we investigate the idea and when you will see the results of our advice; you will be able to see where you can take part in discussions and activities in your area; how you can have any unique questions answered, and – most importantly – how to tell us what you think about this locally special, nationally important proposal. 

We have also recently published our Reporter plan, which outlines our work. It can be accessed in full on the NatureScot website: NatureScot Reporter Plan.

To receive updates throughout the process, subscribe using your email. 

Posted on 29th August 2024

by NatureScot